Your Mission for Your Teen’s Development: Addressing the Empathy Crisis Now

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Teen Development


Nicki Tessler discusses teen development and the current empathy crisis and the mission of BeMe aimed at helping teens develop into their best selves. By fostering empathy, self-awareness, and confidence among adolescents, BeMe strives to create a generation capable of surpassing the achievements of their predecessors, emphasizing the importance of safe spaces and self-development for young individuals.


  • Empathy Crisis Addressed
  • BeMe’s Mission for Teens
  • Importance of Safe Spaces and Self-Awareness
  • Building A Better Generation

Key Quotes

  • “One of the missions of BeMe is to help all teens become the best and greatest versions of themselves.”
  • “We’ve got to provide safe spaces to help equip teens to have self-awareness, understanding of themselves so that they can be better people to each other, work on themselves and self-develop, and then be able to feel good about themselves.”
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Addressing the Empathy Crisis

Nicki Tessler brings to light a pressing empathy crisis that spans across the United States and extends internationally. She emphasizes the urgent need for a societal transformation. This shift aims at fostering a deeper sense of empathy and compassion among individuals. By doing so, Tessler believes, we can pave the way for a more understanding and kind-hearted society.

BeMe’s Comprehensive Mission for Teen Development

Central to BeMe’s mission is the aspiration to guide teens toward realizing their fullest potential. Through a multifaceted approach, the organization seeks to instill empathy among the youth. Moreover, it encourages the cultivation of virtues that are essential for personal growth and societal contribution. This mission is particularly significant in today’s context, where fostering these traits in young people can lead to profound positive changes.

The Critical Role of Safe Spaces and Enhanced Self-Awareness

Tessler underscores the importance of creating supportive environments for adolescents. Such spaces are crucial for enabling teens to explore and understand their identities, emotions, and behaviors. Consequently, this understanding can lead to better impulse control and more positive interactions with peers. By promoting self-awareness and providing the tools for self-improvement, BeMe aims to assist teens in developing a robust sense of self-worth.

Building a Generation Equipped for Positive Change

The ultimate goal of BeMe’s initiatives is to nurture a generation that possesses a strong sense of agency, empathy, and confidence. These qualities are foundational for individuals to treat others with kindness and respect. Furthermore, by cultivating these traits, teens are better prepared to make meaningful contributions to society. Tessler envisions a future where the youth not only surpass the achievements of previous generations but also set a new standard for being exemplary human beings.

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