Why Virtual First Is The Way To Go

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  • America faces a critical doctor shortage, exacerbating healthcare accessibility and affordability issues.
  • The scarcity of doctors results in high costs and long wait times.
  • Virtual First Care uses technology for accessible, affordable healthcare.
  • It enables doctors to focus on complex issues, while routine tasks are handled by lower-cost providers.


In today’s America, we face a profound issue—a burgeoning doctor shortage estimated to hit between 40,000 to 70,000 professionals in the near future. With medical schools struggling to train new doctors at the needed pace, the equation of growing demand and stagnant supply hints at a looming healthcare crisis. Especially since the American population is aging and chronic conditions are increasingly prevalent—with one-third of the nation managing one or more chronic diseases.

The implications of this issue are dire. Rising costs due to scarce medical resources, deteriorating service quality, and extended wait times are just a few of the challenges. The average waiting period to see a doctor in the U.S. has stretched beyond three weeks. This is particularly problematic for those living in ‘medical deserts’ and those avoiding treatment due to cost, a staggering 38% of Americans.

However, a promising solution emerges in the form of Virtual First Care. This technology-driven approach can mitigate the impact of ‘supply constraints.’ It provides affordable and accessible healthcare options for individuals living remotely or struggling with medical costs. It also offers the convenience of medical consultations for those unable to take time off work or travel.

Furthermore, it allows physicians—highly educated and expensive knowledge workers—to operate more efficiently. Many routine tasks such as measuring blood pressure or giving vaccinations could be administered by lower-cost healthcare providers, enabling doctors to dedicate their time to more complex medical issues remotely, leveraging simple video and text communication tools.

The future of healthcare may very well lie in this virtual transition, as we adapt to the changing demographic and healthcare landscape. Virtual First Care is a smart, efficient, and convenient solution that could reshape the American healthcare system.

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