Transforming Healthcare Safety: How Canopy Protects Hospital Workers from Violence

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Introduction: In an industry where healthcare workers face increasing risks, Canopy is making a bold impact with its innovative wearable safety technology. Founded by Shan Sinha, this Silicon Valley-based company aims to protect nurses, physicians, and other staff from workplace violence—an issue that affects 40% of healthcare workers throughout their careers. Through a simple wearable button, Canopy provides immediate help in dangerous situations, transforming the way hospitals ensure the safety and well-being of their staff. With thousands of lives already touched and more health systems adopting the technology, Canopy is redefining what it means to feel secure at work.

Q: What is Canopy, and what problem are you solving in the healthcare industry?

Shan Sinha: Canopy is a technology company based in Silicon Valley, and we’re the leading provider of wearable safety technology, specifically helping hospitals protect their workforces. Healthcare workers, like nurses and physicians, face a significant risk of workplace violence—40% of them will encounter aggressive or violent incidents during their careers. We started Canopy about five years ago to address this issue by providing a wearable solution that helps hospital staff feel safer and more protected every day they go to work.

Q: Can you explain how your technology works and how it’s helping hospital staff in real-life situations?

Shan Sinha: Absolutely. [Holds up product] This is our wearable button that healthcare staff can clip to their badge or wear on the outside of their scrubs. If they’re in a situation where a patient becomes aggressive, they press the button to get immediate help. Our system connects with technology we install in the hospital, so security and nearby coworkers know exactly where they are.

For example, if a nurse is alone with a patient who starts throwing things or becoming violent, pressing this button discreetly alerts the right people, and help arrives quickly. It’s all about providing safety in moments where seconds matter, and ensuring that staff never feel alone in these dangerous situations.

Q: What was it like before Canopy existed? How did hospital staff handle these incidents?

Shan Sinha: Before Canopy, hospital staff didn’t have many effective options. In some cases, they relied on fixed call buttons attached to patient beds, which weren’t always reachable. Other times, they would literally yell for help. Security teams were often hired, but if you’re alone in a room with a violent patient, you’re on your own until someone hears you or notices what’s happening.

Most staff just accepted it as part of the job, but it’s not something they should have to deal with. Canopy has changed that by creating a portable, wearable solution that staff can carry with them. With the press of a button, they’re instantly connected to the right resources, providing a sense of safety and making sure they’re never alone in these situations.

Q: Who are the key stakeholders within healthcare organizations that are driving the adoption of Canopy?

Shan Sinha: We’re seeing a lot of interest from senior leadership—CEOs, COOs, Chief HR Officers, and Chief Medical Officers—because they care about the overall well-being of their staff. However, the most vocal champions are often Chief Nursing Officers and heads of security. They see the direct impact of workplace violence and understand how crucial it is to have a system like Canopy in place.

We’re now working with 40 health systems, deploying Canopy to over 200,000 staff across 800 facilities. In the past year, Canopy has been used more than 27,000 times in real incidents. Over 95% of staff who have used the system report feeling instantly safer. It’s having a dramatic impact on retention, job satisfaction, and overall workplace morale.

Q: What’s next for Canopy? What are you most excited about in the company’s future?

Shan Sinha: There’s a lot we’re excited about. One area we’re focusing on is quantifying the broader impact of safety technologies on healthcare organizations. For example, one health system reported that they saw more than a 2% improvement in staff turnover after deploying safety technologies like ours. For large systems, that can translate to millions in savings.

We’re also looking beyond hospitals. Healthcare is moving toward more in-home care, and with that comes new safety challenges for staff visiting patients at home. We’ve developed new technology to ensure staff feel safe, whether they’re in the hospital or out in the field. Protecting healthcare workers, no matter where they are, is our top priority.

Conclusion: Canopy is impacting the way healthcare workers stay safe on the job, providing peace of mind through their innovative wearable safety technology. As healthcare evolves, Canopy continues to lead the charge in protecting workers both inside hospitals and in-home care settings.

Thank you to everyone that contributed to this article: 

  • Shan Sinha, Co-Founder & CEO of Canopy
  • Jared S. Taylor, Host of Slice of Healthcare

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