The Top Founders & Leaders Driving Innovation in Women’s Health of 2023

Top Founders and Leaders Driving Innovation in Women’s Health

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In honor of International Day of Action for Women’s Health on May 28th, we are proud to announce this awards list featuring “The Top 50 Companies Driving Innovation in Women’s Health.” This annual list showcases the founders and leaders of the 50 companies driving the innovation. This list came together, after reviewing companies in the different sectors of women’s health. The primary driver always being, “what’s the impact?” Congrats to all the honorees!

Top 50 Companies in Womens Health 2023 from SoH

Want to be considered for next year’s list? Fill out this initial application form (it takes less than 2 minutes) If selected, you’ll be asked for some additional information so that our team of insiders and outsiders can better understand if your nomination is a fit. There is no cost to this list.



Diagnostics & Testing

Diagnostics and testing are vital in early detection and prevention of diseases, including cancers, STIs, and various gynecological conditions in women. Despite advancements, barriers such as lack of access, cost, and stigma around certain tests continue to hinder women, particularly in marginalized communities, from fully benefiting from these services.

Health and Wellness

Women’s health and wellness encompass a broad spectrum from nutritional needs, exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits to preventive healthcare. Despite growing awareness, societal norms and gender roles, especially in developing regions, often compromise women’s ability to prioritize their health and wellness.


This natural biological process significantly impacts women’s health, triggering various physical and psychological symptoms. While hormone replacement therapy and other treatments exist, there’s still a lack of widespread understanding and acceptance of menopause, leading to underdiagnosis and undertreatment.

Mental Health

Women experience unique mental health challenges, including postpartum depression and anxiety. Despite increased recognition, mental health in women remains stigmatized, and access to affordable mental health services is often limited.

Reproductive Health

Reproductive health is a cornerstone of women’s health, encompassing menstruation, fertility, contraception, and pregnancy. However, access to comprehensive reproductive health education and services, especially in less developed regions and among marginalized communities, is a persistent barrier.

Virtual Care

Virtual care has revolutionized access to health services, especially for women who may face barriers like transportation or time constraints. However, digital divide issues such as lack of internet access or digital literacy can limit its reach and effectiveness.

Maternal Care

Maternal care is critical for the health of both mother and child, but despite improvements, significant gaps persist. High maternal mortality rates, particularly in developing countries and among minority women in developed nations, highlight issues of accessibility, affordability, and quality of care.

Venture Capital

Venture capital plays a critical role in advancing women’s health by funding startups and research focusing on female-centric health issues. However, women-led ventures and those targeting women’s health often face difficulties securing funding, reflecting gender bias in investment decisions.

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