The Missing Link in Digital Health Solutions: Patient-Centric Design

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  • Market Reality: Many digital solutions don’t address genuine patient needs.
  • Engagement Crisis: Low engagement rates plague numerous digital health products.
  • The Oversight: Companies often bypass patient consultations during product design.
  • The Consequence: Low engagement can lead to terminated deals and lost opportunities.


In the rapidly evolving digital health landscape, many solutions seem to miss the mark. Why? They often overlook the very people they aim to serve: the patients.

The Digital Health Paradox:

While the market is flooded with digital solutions, a significant number don’t cater to actual patient problems or do so in ways that aren’t patient-friendly.

The Engagement Dilemma:

Many deals hinge on user engagement. However, when products fail to engage users, deals fall apart. This low engagement is becoming a primary deal-breaker in the industry.

The Root Cause:

The crux of the issue? A lack of patient consultation during the product’s design phase. By bypassing this critical step, companies risk creating solutions that don’t resonate with their target audience.

The Aftermath:

Alarmingly, some companies, even those that once prioritized patient feedback, are cutting back on these teams. This approach is akin to removing an engine from a sinking ship—it might lighten the load, but it doesn’t solve the core problem.


For digital health solutions to make a meaningful impact, they must be rooted in genuine patient needs. By prioritizing patient-centric design and continuous feedback, companies can create products that not only engage but also make a lasting difference in patients’ lives.

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