Revolutionizing Allergy Care: A Holistic Approach

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  • Allergy care in the U.S. lacks innovation and patient satisfaction.
  • Nectar introduces a holistic approach to allergy care.
  • Nectar’s sublingual therapy offers convenient, at-home treatment.
  • Nectar’s model could inspire holistic treatment methods in healthcare.


Healthcare has long been plagued by a lack of holistic approaches to treating conditions. This issue is particularly evident in allergy care, the number one chronic condition in the United States. However, Nectar is poised to change this narrative by introducing innovative solutions that prioritize patient experience and outcomes.

The Problem with Current Allergy Care

Allergy care is a significant concern, with co-morbidities like anxiety, depression, and migraines often accompanying it. Yet, the current state of allergy care leaves much to be desired. The net promoter score (NPS) of allergy care is -69, indicating a high level of dissatisfaction among patients. A staggering 88% of patients refuse to start allergy shots, often due to the inconvenience and potential adverse reactions.

The Need for Innovation

Despite the prevalence of allergies, innovation in this field has been slow. Pharmaceutical companies continue to produce drugs that provide short-term relief, while small allergy clinics lack the resources and incentives to innovate. This stagnation calls for a fresh approach to allergy care.

Introducing Nectar: A Holistic Approach to Allergy Care

Nectar was launched to address this gap, offering a holistic approach to allergy care. The first step in this direction is the introduction of sublingual therapy, a treatment method already adopted by 50% of the market in Europe. This therapy allows patients to receive the same benefits as allergy shots but in a more convenient, at-home environment.

Expanding the Reach of Nectar

In addition to sublingual therapy, Nectar is also launching clinics, with the first one opening in New York soon. Furthermore, Nectar is driving B2B partnerships to enable other physicians to offer this innovative approach. The goal is to extend this holistic approach to food allergies and other conditions.

The Future of Allergy Care

Nectar’s approach to allergy care is a shining example of the innovation needed in healthcare. By focusing on holistic treatment methods and improving patient experiences, Nectar is paving the way for a new era in allergy care.

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