Q&A: The Importance of Oral Health

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Our Founder, Jared S. Taylor had the opportunity to chat with Dr. Maria Ryan, EVP & Chief Clinical Officer at Colgate-Palmolive during HLTH 2024. 


Q: Why is prevention and education so important in promoting oral health?

Dr. Maria Ryan: It’s essential that people have good health literacy in general, but oral health literacy is particularly poor. Given that six out of ten homes have a Colgate product, we have a unique opportunity to educate people on oral health issues, preventive strategies, and the connection between oral health and overall well-being. Many oral health diseases are preventable, so prevention plays a critical role, especially for those who lack access to care. Simple habits like brushing twice a day for two minutes, using a toothpaste with fluoride, rinsing with mouthwash, and flossing can significantly reduce the risk of oral diseases.

Q: We often hear the phrase ‘oral health is overall health.’ Why has this conversation become more prominent in recent years?

Dr. Maria Ryan: The data linking oral diseases to systemic conditions continues to grow. Cavities, gum disease, and other oral infections cause inflammation, which affects the entire body. For instance, untreated periodontal disease doubles the risk of heart attacks and triples the risk of strokes. Additionally, if someone has diabetes and gum disease, managing diabetes becomes much more difficult. Pregnant women with periodontal disease face a higher risk of premature birth. There’s also evidence connecting poor oral hygiene in nursing home residents to pneumonia, which is a leading cause of death in these facilities. While these connections have always existed, increased research and awareness have pushed them to the forefront of healthcare conversations.

Q: What steps are being taken to improve oral health literacy and drive progress against oral diseases?

Dr. Maria Ryan: As the leading oral health company globally, we feel responsible for educating people. We have several programs dedicated to this mission.

  • Bright Smiles, Bright Futures: This initiative educates young children about oral health through teachers and parents. Since early education is key, reaching children early helps instill lifelong oral health habits. So far, we’ve educated 1.7 billion children worldwide.

  • Know Your Oral Health Quotient: This program is like an IQ test but for oral health. It’s a quick 10-question quiz that helps people assess their oral health knowledge. Research has shown that improving knowledge directly impacts attitudes and behaviors, leading to better oral health outcomes.

  • Cross-Sector Partnerships: We work beyond individual education by collaborating with companies, healthcare professionals, and global organizations. Through the World Economic Forum, we’re part of the Global Health Equity Network, where we launched the first-ever Oral Health Affinity Group. Our recent white paper provides economic evidence supporting global investment in oral health, helping governments and corporations understand the impact oral health has on their employees and communities.

Q: How are you working to integrate oral health into the broader healthcare system?

Dr. Maria Ryan: One of our key priorities is educating not just the public but also other healthcare providers. Many physicians aren’t well-versed in the connections between oral health and systemic diseases, which leads to missed opportunities for early intervention. At healthcare conferences like HLTH 2024, we host the Oral Health Pavilion to engage insurers, healthcare professionals, and decision-makers on these critical connections. Our goal is to bridge the gap between dentistry and general healthcare, ensuring that oral health is considered an integral part of overall health.

Q: What is the economic argument for investing in oral health?

Dr. Maria Ryan: Beyond individual health benefits, investing in oral health makes economic sense. Poor oral health contributes to significant productivity losses due to missed workdays and increased healthcare costs. Our white paper outlines how businesses and governments can benefit from prioritizing oral health, leading to healthier employees, reduced healthcare expenditures, and improved overall well-being. By making oral health a global priority, we can drive better health outcomes while also addressing health equity.

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