PracticeTek Finalizes Acquisition of Ora, Ushering in a New Era of Dental Practice Management

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Key Highlights

  • PracticeTek acquires Ora, revolutionizing dental practice management.
  • Ora’s all-in-one platform enhances appointment scheduling, billing, and patient records.
  • Comprehensive feature set supports solo practices to large dental service organizations (DSOs).
  • CEO Quotes: Commitment to excellence and industry standards.

Source: Business Wire

Notable Quotes

  • “This acquisition of Ora by PracticeTek is more than a milestone; it’s a testament to their commitment to revolutionize dental practice management worldwide. Ora’s journey has been one of relentless dedication to excellence, and we’re excited to support its transformative potential.” — Mike Padgett, CEO at Total Dental
  • “Ora isn’t just a product; it’s a paradigm shift. By harnessing the collective expertise of PracticeTek and our esteemed partners, we’re poised to redefine industry standards and empower dental professionals everywhere,” — Steve Auerbach, CEO at PracticeTek

SoHC's Take

The acquisition of Ora by PracticeTek marks a significant milestone in the dental industry. By integrating Ora’s comprehensive management features with PracticeTek’s robust technology solutions, dental practices can anticipate improved efficiency and patient care. This move underscores PracticeTek’s commitment to innovation and excellence, positioning them as a leader in the evolving landscape of healthcare technology. The partnership with Total Dental further strengthens this initiative, ensuring that the new tools and systems are effectively implemented and leveraged across various dental practices. This acquisition is poised to set new standards in dental practice management, benefiting practitioners and patients alike.

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