Ivy Fertility Acquires Dallas IVF, Expanding Network

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Key Highlights

  • Dallas IVF, named one of America’s best fertility clinics in 2023, joins Ivy Fertility.
  • Over 13,000 babies born through Dallas IVF since 1997, with a focus on compassionate, successful care.
  • Ivy Fertility, a leader in reproductive technologies and third-party reproduction, expands to include 52 reproductive endocrinologists across 9 states.

Source: Business Wire

Notable Quotes

  • “Exceptional compassion is the cornerstone of Dallas IVF’s mission. When considering joining a larger network, finding a partner that shared our values of patient care and inclusivity was paramount. Ivy Fertility offers hope to families all over the world, and we are excited to contribute to that effort as the newest member of their collaborative network.” – Brian Barnett, MD, Medical Director at Dallas IVF
  • “We are thrilled to welcome Dallas IVF to Ivy Fertility. We believe that compassion and cutting-edge technology can and should go hand in hand, and Dallas IVF exemplifies that commitment,” – Lisa Van Dolah, CEO at Ivy Fertility

SoHC's Take

The acquisition of Dallas IVF by Ivy Fertility represents a significant step in the consolidation and enhancement of fertility services within the U.S. This merger not only emphasizes the shared values of patient care and inclusivity but also extends the reach of advanced reproductive technologies to a wider demographic. As Ivy Fertility integrates Dallas IVF into its network, it fortifies its position as a beacon of hope and innovation in the fertility sector, potentially setting new benchmarks for success rates and patient satisfaction in the industry.

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