Impacting Patient Care with AI: Insights from Pangaea’s Dr. Vibhor Gupta at HIMSS 2024

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Recently, Jared met up with the Founder and Director of Pangaea, Dr. Vibhor Gupta at HIMSS 2024.

Bridging Gaps in Healthcare with AI

The healthcare sector is poised at the cusp of a major transformation, courtesy of artificial intelligence. At the heart of this transformation is Pangaea, a company dedicated to advancing healthcare through AI-driven solutions. During HIMSS 2024, I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with Dr. Vibhor Gupta, Founder and Director at Pangaea, who shared profound insights into how their innovations are set to redefine patient care.

Pangaea’s Mission: A Software Solution for a Complex Problem

“Pangaea’s product platform helps [clinicians and healthcare providers] review patient records to understand what’s going on with them,” Dr. Gupta stated, emphasizing the crucial role of AI in diagnosing the undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, and miscoded patients. This technology does not merely streamline processes; it shines a light on the vast swathes of patients suffering without proper diagnoses.

Personal Motivation Fuels Pangaea’s Drive

Reflecting on his 23-year journey in medicine and computing, Dr. Gupta shared, “It’s a real problem that impacts real patients and their families.” He recounted personal stories of misdiagnosis, underscoring the profound difference accurate diagnosis can make. These narratives serve as a poignant reminder of the urgency and importance of Pangaea’s work.

The Synergy of Expertise: The Foundation of Pangaea

Discussing the collaboration with his co-founder, Dr. Gupta highlighted the blend of medical insight and technological prowess that defines Pangaea. “One of the biggest challenges…was how do you translate what we do manually through the use of mathematics and computers?” This partnership of expertise has enabled Pangaea to create a solution that’s not only innovative but also trusted and reliable.

Proven Impact: Pangaea’s Project with the NHS

A landmark project with the NHS showcased Pangaea’s platform’s potential, identifying six times more untreated patients with cancer cachexia. “This translates to about 200,000 new patients annually,” Dr. Gupta explained, showcasing the dual benefits of enhanced patient care and significant cost savings for public healthcare systems.

The Future: Large Language Models and Patient Engagement

Looking ahead, Dr. Gupta is particularly excited about the prospects of large language models in medicine. “What that means is we can now truly develop infrastructure…and iterate on that infrastructure to advance this application of computational technologies in the context of medicine.” This advancement promises to make healthcare more accessible and understandable for patients, easing their journey through treatment and care.

A Call for Collaboration

As Pangaea continues to grow, Dr. Gupta anticipates broader collaboration with healthcare professionals, patient advocacy groups, and the pharmaceutical industry. The aim is clear: to make Pangaea’s AI-driven solutions a staple in healthcare settings worldwide, benefiting everyone from clinicians to the patients they serve.


Dr. Vibhor Gupta’s work with Pangaea is a testament to the power of innovation in healthcare. By leveraging AI, Pangaea is addressing critical issues in patient care, setting the stage for a future where healthcare is more efficient, effective, and patient-centered.

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