Driving Clinical Outcomes through Customer Success

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  • The Challenge of Integration
  • The Role of Customer Success
  • Change Management in Clinical Workflow
  • The Value of Clinician-Led Customer Success
  • Nurses as Frontline Informants


The Challenge of Integration

Deploying a digital health solution is merely the first step. Ensuring its successful integration and scaling within a care team’s workflow presents a distinct challenge, given the traditional roots in physical care and the complexities of introducing virtual or digital components.

The Role of Customer Success

Customer success isn’t about sales but about being wholly invested in the client’s success. It involves a deliberate approach to assist with clinical workflow and throughput, ensuring that patients are effectively engaged with the platform or solution being implemented.

Change Management in Clinical Workflow

Introducing a digital component into traditional care workflows is not intuitive and can be more complex than anticipated. It demands a shift from physical to virtual, requiring meticulous change management to ensure that the digital solution enhances, rather than disrupts, care delivery.

The Value of Clinician-Led Customer Success

Having a clinician, especially one with hands-on experience, in the customer success role can be a strategic advantage. They bring invaluable insights from the field, informing product development and future visions with practical knowledge that cannot be replicated without real-world experience.

Nurses as Frontline Informants

Nurses, often on the frontline of care and interventions on the platform, bring crucial perspectives that can inform the future trajectory of digital health solutions. Their voices, experiences, and insights are vital in shaping how digital health solutions should evolve and be integrated into clinical workflows.


The role of customer success, particularly when led by clinicians, is crucial in bridging the gap between digital health solutions and traditional clinical workflows. Their insights, drawn from real-world experience, not only inform product development but also facilitate smoother integration of digital solutions into existing workflows, ensuring that the evolution of healthcare is informed, practical, and aligned with frontline experiences. Thank you for exploring this strategic approach with us.

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