Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Pharmaceutical Industry & Beyond

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  • The Human Journey: Diversity, equity, and inclusion are not just buzzwords but are deeply rooted in understanding and celebrating the human journey.
  • Strength in Differences: While our similarities bind us, it’s our differences that provide strength and resilience.
  • Employee-Centric Approach: The pharmaceutical industry is evolving to become more employee-centric, recognizing that the essence of the business lies in its people.
  • Boehringer Ingelheim’s Culture: The company takes pride in its people-centric culture, emphasizing purpose-driven values that manifest daily in the workplace.


The Essence of DE&I

Rafael Fantauzzi begins with a profound observation: “Diversity, equity, and inclusion, it’s about the human journey.” This perspective underscores the importance of recognizing and valuing every individual’s unique experiences and contributions. “It’s really about understanding that our similarities make us powerful, but our differences make us really strong,” he adds.

The Shift in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry, traditionally known for its scientific rigor and product-centric approach, is undergoing a significant transformation. Fantauzzi notes, “Companies are becoming more employee-centric, which is extremely important because it is about the people.” This shift acknowledges that the success and innovation of a company are intrinsically tied to its workforce.

Boehringer Ingelheim’s People-Centric Culture

Boehringer Ingelheim stands out in its commitment to fostering a culture that places people at its core. Fantauzzi proudly shares, “Our culture is one of people-centric. And it’s really about purpose-driven our values and how those things manifest on a day-to-day in the workplace.” This approach not only enhances employee satisfaction but also drives the company’s mission forward.

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