Choosing the Right CDMO: Trust, Transparency, and Technical Acumen

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  • The importance of a CDMO’s reputation in the selection process.
  • The value of trust and transparency in building strong partnerships.
  • Initial interactions as a window into the CDMO’s approach.
  • The significance of regulatory and technical expertise.
  • Commercial considerations in the CDMO selection process.


Navigating the complex world of Contract Development and Manufacturing Organizations (CDMOs) can be daunting. J.D. Mowery shares insights on the essential factors to consider when selecting the right CDMO partner.

1. Reputation Matters: The first step in the selection process is understanding the CDMO’s reputation in the specific modality you’re exploring. A strong track record speaks volumes about their expertise and reliability.

2. Trust and Transparency: A trustworthy CDMO is one that values collaboration and transparency. They should be willing to provide you with the necessary information promptly, fostering a sense of trust from the outset.

3. First Impressions Count: The initial interactions, such as the request for proposal process, offer valuable insights into the CDMO’s approach. Their responsiveness, attention to detail, and the rigor they apply are indicative of their commitment to potential partnerships.

4. Regulatory and Technical Expertise: A CDMO’s regulatory track record, facility experience, and technical acumen are crucial. These factors ensure that they possess the necessary skills and knowledge to meet your needs.

5. Commercial Considerations: Beyond technicalities, the commercial terms should align with your expectations. A collaborative approach to addressing challenges and negotiating terms is a positive sign of a fruitful partnership.

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