Artera to Present at 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting

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Key Highlights

  • Artera to present three abstracts at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting
  • Multimodal AI platform demonstrates significant prognostic value
  • Studies focus on prostate cancer and early-stage breast cancer

Source: Business Wire

Notable Quotes

  • “Using the MMAI platform on these different groups of patients, with different types and stages of cancer, and getting clinically actionable results demonstrates just how reliable analyzing H&E slides, which are already created during the routine course of care, can be for predicting risk to personalize treatment,” — Trevor Royce, MD MPH, Senior Medical Director at Artera
  • “Medicine is filled with instances where the seed of an idea took years to grow into an innovative tool that changes the standard way of practice. Currently, cancer care strongly emphasizes biochemistry and molecular biology, and advancements can take decades to develop and adopt. Artera’s model offers a novel way of thinking, utilizing AI and image analysis to significantly fast-track innovation and advancements in cancer care, demonstrating performance across diverse patient cohorts. We are proud to be working on this new way forward,” — Andre Esteva, CEO at Artera

SoHC's Take

Artera’s presentation at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting underscores the transformative potential of their multimodal artificial intelligence (MMAI) platform in cancer prognostics and personalized treatment planning. By leveraging AI to analyze H&E-stained pathology slides, Artera offers a significant leap in predicting patient outcomes and tailoring therapies effectively. This approach not only streamlines the diagnostic process but also promises to improve patient confidence and outcomes by providing clinically actionable insights. As the landscape of cancer treatment evolves, innovations like Artera’s MMAI platform are poised to play a crucial role in advancing precision medicine and improving the standard of care for cancer patients.

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