Advancing Healthcare Interoperability: Insights from Kathryn Ayers Wickenhauser at HIMSS 2024

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The healthcare industry is on a continuous quest to achieve seamless interoperability, striving to ensure that patient data is accessible, secure, and efficiently exchanged across different healthcare systems. At the heart of this mission lies organizations like DirectTrust, which play a crucial role in advancing trust and technical standards within the healthcare sector. At the HIMSS 2024 conference, Jared S. Taylor had the privilege of speaking with Kathryn Ayers Wickenhauser, Sr. Director of Community Strategy at DirectTrust, who shed light on the organization’s endeavors, challenges, and future directions in healthcare interoperability.

DirectTrust’s Role in Healthcare

DirectTrust stands as a beacon for securing and streamlining healthcare communication. As a nonprofit alliance and accreditor, it fosters a community committed to advancing trust in healthcare through technical standards and policy governance. “We are a community that brings together members around advancing trust in healthcare,” Kathryn notes, emphasizing DirectTrust’s pivotal role in interoperability and secure messaging. With a decade-long journey supported by the ONC to enhance the trust framework, DirectTrust has significantly impacted healthcare communication, facilitating over 4.7 billion direct secure messages across more than 300,000 organizations.

The Journey of Interoperability

Despite the progress, the journey towards full interoperability remains an ongoing challenge. Kathryn acknowledges this, stating, “We haven’t solved interoperability, but I don’t think that that will necessarily ever happen.” This candid admission underscores the complexity of healthcare communication and the necessity of continuous innovation and collaboration within the industry. DirectTrust’s advocacy for “team interop” signifies a collective effort to push the boundaries of interoperability further, ensuring secure and efficient patient data exchange.

The Impact of Direct Secure Messaging

Direct secure messaging, a cornerstone of DirectTrust’s initiatives, exemplifies the organization’s commitment to interoperability. Kathryn elaborates on its significance, “Direct secure messaging continues to work as expected and continues to help get information from point A to point B.” This mechanism not only enhances patient care by ensuring timely access to vital information but also complements broader interoperability frameworks like TEFCA, showcasing the multifaceted approach needed to address healthcare communication challenges.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Interoperability

As the digital landscape evolves, DirectTrust is poised to address emerging challenges with innovative solutions, including health app accreditation to ensure trustworthiness in an increasingly connected world. Kathryn hints at exciting developments in DirectTrust’s directory services to further support interoperability, indicating a future where secure messaging and trusted communication channels become even more integrated into healthcare workflows.

The Imperative of Resilience in Cybersecurity

The conversation with Kathryn also touched on a critical aspect of modern healthcare: cybersecurity. With the rise of cyber threats, the concept of resilience has come to the forefront. “It’s not a matter of if you experience a breach, but when and how resilient you are to that breach,” Kathryn remarks, highlighting the importance of preparedness and the ability to recover from cyber incidents. This perspective is crucial for maintaining trust and security in healthcare communications, reinforcing DirectTrust’s commitment to safeguarding patient data.


Our discussion with Kathryn Ayers Wickenhauser at HIMSS 2024 offers a glimpse into the ongoing efforts and future directions in healthcare interoperability. DirectTrust’s role in this landscape is indispensable, bridging gaps in communication and setting standards for secure, efficient data exchange. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the insights from leaders like Kathryn remind us of the importance of collaboration, innovation, and resilience in the quest for better healthcare outcomes.

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