The Misalignment of Incentives Between Patients, Providers, and Payers

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  • The pharmacy delivery model faces challenges due to misaligned incentives among patients, providers, payers, and pharmacies.
  • Each stakeholder operates under distinct business pressures, leading to potential conflicts and inefficiencies.
  • Addressing this misalignment is crucial for a seamless and effective patient care journey.


The healthcare landscape is intricate, with various stakeholders playing pivotal roles. However, a closer look reveals a significant misalignment in incentives, especially within the pharmacy delivery model. This misalignment, involving patients, providers, payers, and pharmacies, poses challenges that impact the overall patient care journey.

The Diverse Perspectives in Pharmacy Delivery

  1. Patients: When prescribed medication, a patient’s primary concern is timely access. They trust the system to provide them with the necessary drugs without delay or hassle.
  2. Payers (Insurers): Their primary goal is to manage costs and prevent over-utilization. While they aim to provide coverage, it’s essential for them to ensure it’s given to those genuinely in need. This caution can sometimes lead to patient frustration.
  3. Providers: Healthcare providers desire their patients’ well-being. However, coordinating with insurance companies becomes an added, often unpaid, burden. Their focus on patient recovery sometimes clashes with administrative hurdles.
  4. Pharmacies: Pharmacies act as the bridge, ensuring patients receive their medications. Yet, they too face challenges, especially when coordinating information between various stakeholders to determine coverage outcomes.

The Core Challenge

“This misalignment between patients, providers, payers, and pharmacies stands as one of the most significant obstacles in the pharmacy delivery model,” says a healthcare expert. Each stakeholder operates under their unique business pressures, leading to a fragmented system where the patient’s seamless care journey often becomes collateral damage.


To enhance the pharmacy delivery model, it’s crucial to address this misalignment. By understanding and acknowledging the diverse perspectives and challenges of each stakeholder, the healthcare industry can work towards a more cohesive and patient-centric approach.

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