#17 – Dr. Kike Oduba, Founder & CEO at WellnessWits

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Episode Details

Hosted by: Sam Lippolis

In this episode, our guest is Dr. Kike Oduba, an infectious disease prevention and control public health physician from WellnessWits. She started WellnessWits after her own experiences convinced her that there was a need to help people with chronic, complex diseases manage their symptoms. 

WellnessWits works with physicians to provide Chronic Care Management through Virtual Shared Medical Appointments. It’s really cool and one of the best innovative virtual care programs I’ve seen recently. You don’t want to miss this episode.
We’ll be discussing:

  • Managing chronic disease using shared medical visits
  • Patient peer to peer support
  • Insurance coverage changes to include group visits
  • Physician-led virtual care teams
  • Confidentiality and privacy concerns for group visits
  • WellnessWit platform options and support systems

Be sure to grab information about the efficacy of shared medical visits at https://www.wellnesswits.com/grouptherapeutics

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This podcast is produced by Slice of Healthcare LLC.

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