#37 – Dr. Stephanie Lahr, President at Artisight

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Episode Details: Virtual Nursing AI

Join us this week as Meena Mallipeddi welcome’s guest Dr. Stephanie Lahr, President at Artisight.

What you’ll get from this episode:
  • Dr. Stephanie Lahr’s journey from practicing physician to healthcare technology leader.
  • The impact of AI and computer vision on nursing tasks and patient care.
  • Real-life examples of AI applications reducing nurse workload and improving safety.
  • Overcoming barriers and ensuring sustainable technology investments in healthcare.



Read about Virtual Nursing AI


In this episode of the Seamless Connection podcast, Meena Mallipeddi speaks with Dr. Stephanie Lahr, a leader in healthcare technology and the current CIO at Artisight. Dr. Lahr shares her inspiring journey from a practicing physician to a key player in virtual nursing and AI integration, offering valuable insights into the future of healthcare.

Dr. Stephanie Lahr’s Path to Healthcare

Dr. Lahr’s passion for healthcare started early, influenced by a blend of personal experiences and a calling to help others. Growing up on a cattle ranch with non-physician parents, she found her way to medical school on the Texas Gulf Coast. Initially starting in OB-GYN, she later transitioned to internal medicine, ultimately finding her niche in health IT. Her firsthand experience with EMR during a hurricane in Galveston highlighted the importance of technology in healthcare, setting her on a path to revolutionize how care is delivered.

The Role of AI in Nursing

Dr. Lahr emphasizes that nurses often bear the brunt of administrative and clinical tasks, leading to burnout. She discusses how AI and computer vision can alleviate this burden by automating non-clinical tasks. For instance, AI can help with documentation, monitor patient movements to prevent pressure ulcers, and even enhance safety through real-time surveillance.

Real-Life Applications of AI at Artisight

One of the significant advancements at Artisight involves using computer vision to automate documentation and patient monitoring. This technology has been instrumental in reducing the workload for nurses and increasing job satisfaction. In one example, AI algorithms helped detect and document patient turns to prevent pressure ulcers, ensuring timely interventions. Additionally, virtual nursing programs have shown promising results in improving nurse retention and satisfaction by redistributing tasks between bedside and virtual nurses.

Challenges and Solutions in Adopting New Technologies

Dr. Lahr acknowledges the challenges healthcare systems face in adopting new technologies, particularly the need for quick ROI and change management. She suggests a phased approach, starting with platforms that offer multiple solutions and demonstrating quick wins to build confidence. Ensuring hardware agnosticism and partnering with companies that have a growth mindset are also crucial for sustainable technology integration.

The Future of AI in Healthcare

Looking ahead, Dr. Lahr is most excited about the potential of computer vision in transforming various aspects of healthcare, from clinical care to operational efficiency. She envisions a future where technology seamlessly supports healthcare professionals, much like smartphones have become indispensable in our daily lives.


Dr. Stephanie Lahr’s work at Artisight is paving the way for a more efficient, technology-driven healthcare system. By leveraging AI and computer vision, she is helping to reduce the burden on nurses, improve patient care, and ensure healthcare systems can adapt to future challenges. As healthcare continues to evolve, innovations like these will be crucial in delivering high-quality, sustainable care.

This episode is presented by AmplifyMD.

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