Chatting Healthcare Innovation with Andy Roddick & Michael Williamson: ViewFi’s Vision at HLTH 2023

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From HLTH 2023, we unpacked entrepreneurial tales and the next wave of healthcare solutions. Big thanks to Co-Founder/CEO Michael Williamson and tennis pro/Co-Founder Andy Roddick for the conversation!

See more of the article below, and here for a few highlights!

  • Blend of tech, healthcare, and relationships shaping patient care.
  • Guests: Michael Williamson – tech & education guru; Andy Roddick – tennis insights in healthcare.
  • Origin Stories: From a golf game to innovative partnerships.
  • ViewFi: Aiming to revolutionize musculoskeletal diagnoses.
  • Future: Exploring the horizon of healthcare tech and their partnership with Transcarent




We’ve all heard about the budding relationship between software and healthcare. In a recent interview from HLTH 2023, the story of two unlikely partners, Michael Williamson and Andy Roddick, unfolds. Their combined expertise has sparked an innovative solution in musculoskeletal care.

The Backstory: How Did Michael and Andy Meet?

Michael, a seasoned tech entrepreneur, spent his career building software companies in the realms of education and healthcare. His path crossed with Andy during leisurely time in North Carolina with their families. From golfing to investing together, their bond only grew stronger; in an unexpected turn of events involving a house sale, their trust in each other was solidified.

A Complementary Approach to Problem Solving

Both acknowledged that their diverse backgrounds brought unique perspectives to the table. While Michael’s entrepreneurial skills were honed from his tech endeavors, Andy approached problems with a fresh lens. Their combined expertise made them a dynamic duo, often bouncing off ideas on potential business ventures.

The Birth of ViewFi: A Response to the Pandemic

Amid the early pandemic chaos, Andy organized Zoom gatherings to discuss the challenges brought by the new normal. A particularly memorable conversation with top surgeons, Josh Dines and Chris Dodson, revolved around the complexities of diagnosing musculoskeletal injuries via video calls.

With Andy’s curiosity piqued and Michael’s tech background, they wondered: could software bridge this gap? The idea was ambitious—creating a platform for diagnosing 85-90% of musculoskeletal injuries remotely.

ViewFi’s Partnership with Transcarent

The journey didn’t stop at building the platform. Michael elaborated on their partnership with Transcarent. With a shared vision, both companies aimed to democratize access to quality healthcare. ViewFi’s technology reduced the average diagnosis time, providing patients with efficient solutions, and their collaboration with Transcarent expanded their reach.

The Tennis Analogy: Andy’s Passion Rekindled

Andy, a professional tennis Grand Slam champion and entrepreneur, compared his drive for the sport to his newfound passion for healthcare innovation. Just as he relentlessly pursued perfection in tennis, he was now curious about venturing into unfamiliar territories. ViewFi’s potential to make healthcare equitable, especially in musculoskeletal care, was a driving force for his enthusiasm.

Looking Ahead: The Future of ViewFi

Michael envisioned scaling ViewFi to reach millions, ensuring everyone received standardized and high-quality care. For Andy, the dream was to introduce the world to a new frontier in virtual musculoskeletal care.

Slice of Healthcare Wrap Up

Both Michael and Andy’s journey from a chance meeting to healthcare innovators is a testament to the power of collaboration and curiosity. As they navigate new spaces and learn from others, their commitment to revolutionizing healthcare remains unwavering.

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