The Integral Role of Social Needs in Healthcare

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  • Social Needs’ Impact: Directly influence overall health and well-being.
  • Cost Implications: Drive healthcare costs when unaddressed.
  • Human Engagement: Central to healthcare initiatives’ success.
  • Ground Game Health’s Vision: A holistic, socially-relevant approach.
  • Promising Outcomes: Better health, satisfaction, and cost-efficiency.


1. The Centrality of Social Needs:
Social needs have always been integral to an individual’s health. Susan Rawlings emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing these needs, ensuring they remain a primary focus in healthcare initiatives.

2. The Human Element:
For healthcare interventions to be effective, understanding and addressing what drives an individual is essential. Rawlings underscores the power of human engagement, emphasizing its role in influencing positive healthcare outcomes.

3. Ground Game Health’s Holistic Approach:
Ground Game Health champions a comprehensive approach that prioritizes social needs. Their strategy ensures that healthcare interventions are not just medically sound but also socially pertinent.

4. The Broader Healthcare Landscape:
Rawlings touches upon the dynamics of the healthcare market, emphasizing that irrespective of external factors, the primary focus should always be on individuals and their unique social needs.

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