#8 – Pioneering Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Insights from Bill Van Antwerp

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Episode Details

Welcome back to Action Potential, join us this week as we welcome Bill Van Antwerp, Founder and CSO at Laxmi, a leading expert in diabetes care.

What you’ll get from this episode:
  • Trailblazing in Remote Physiological Monitoring: Bill Van Antwerp shares his extensive experience in developing insulin pumps and the first FDA-approved CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor), paving the way for modern diabetes care.
  • Innovative Solutions Overcoming Manufacturing Challenges: Van Antwerp discusses the complex journey from concept to mass production, highlighting the difficulty in manufacturing reliable, consistent sensors at scale.
  • The Evolution of CGM Technology: He reflects on the evolution of CGM, from initial skepticism and regulatory hurdles to its current status as a standard care tool for managing diabetes.
  • Patient Empowerment through Technology: Van Antwerp emphasizes how CGMs have empowered patients, particularly in making informed decisions based on real-time data, a significant shift from the earlier FDA restrictions.
  • Future Directions in Sensor Technology: Looking ahead, Van Antwerp discusses the potential of non-invasive methods and the importance of directly measuring targeted analytes for accurate and clinically actionable data.




Introduction to Bill Van Antwerp’s Contributions

In the latest episode of the Action Potential Podcast, Bill Van Antwerp, a key figure in the development of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) technology, shares his rich experience and insights. Starting at MiniMed, Van Antwerp recalls the initial skepticism and challenges faced in introducing CGM to the medical field. He delves into the technical hurdles of sensor development, the transition from prototype to mass production, and the regulatory landscape that initially limited patient access to real-time data.

Early Challenges and Developments in CGM

Van Antwerp’s account is a testament to the relentless pursuit of innovation in medical technology. He details the iterative process of refining CGM technology, from early prototypes with varying degrees of success to the development of more reliable and accurate sensors. This journey highlights the importance of understanding biological mechanisms, like the oxygen-to-glucose ratio in interstitial fluid, and the need for precision in manufacturing.

Innovation and Refinement of CGM Technology

The podcast also explores the broader implications of CGM technology in patient care. Van Antwerp emphasizes the empowerment of patients through access to real-time data, enabling them to make more informed decisions about their health. This shift represents a significant change from the initial FDA stance, which limited data access to healthcare providers.

Legacy and Future of CGM Technology

Looking to the future, Van Antwerp discusses ongoing challenges and emerging opportunities in sensor technology. He highlights the potential for non-invasive monitoring methods and the need for direct measurement of analytes to provide clinically actionable data. His insights into the future of remote physiological monitoring, including the exploration of non-glucose biomarkers, reveal a landscape ripe for innovation and patient-centric solutions.


Thank you to our sponsor ProtonIntel!

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Today, there is no on-demand K+ monitoring capability to guide treatment of hyperkalemia.

ProtonIntel is building the first real-time, on-demand potassium monitoring wearable, allowing clinicians to treat and manage kidney disease patients more safely and precisely.

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