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Digital Twin Technology - Episode Details

Join us on the latest episode, hosted by Jared S. Taylor! Our Guest: Clarissa Shen, COO at Q Bio.

What you’ll get out of this episode:
  • Introduction to Clarissa Shen, COO of Q Bio.
  • Insight into Q Bio’s mission and technology.
  • Overview of Q Bio’s clinical digital twin platform, Gemini.
  • Benefits and applications of whole body MRI scans.
  • Future plans for scalable and affordable healthcare solutions.



Read About Digital Twin Technology


In this episode of the Slice of Healthcare podcast, host Jared Taylor sits down with Clarissa Shen, the Chief Operating Officer of Q Bio. With over five and a half years at Q Bio, Clarissa has been instrumental in driving the company’s growth and pioneering its innovative approach to healthcare. She shares insights into her journey, the cutting-edge technology at Q Bio, and their mission to revolutionize preventive healthcare.

Q Bio’s Mission and Clarissa Shen’s Role

Clarissa Shen has been pivotal in scaling Q Bio from a commercial standpoint. Her responsibilities include regulatory approvals, early partnerships, and company scaling strategies. Clarissa’s passion for data and AI, especially in healthcare, drove her to join Q Bio. She was motivated by the potential of data and AI to transform industries, particularly healthcare, which she felt lagged behind in adopting these technologies. Clarissa and her team at Q Bio aim to shift the focus from reactive to proactive healthcare, emphasizing early detection and prevention.

Q Bio’s Clinical Digital Twin Platform

Q Bio’s groundbreaking technology, the clinical digital twin platform called Gemini, stands at the forefront of their preventive healthcare approach. Clarissa explains that a clinical digital twin is a comprehensive digital representation of a person’s biological systems, integrating data from genomics, biochemistry, vitals, and MRI-derived biomarkers. The MRI technology used is the gold standard, providing precise, quantifiable data to monitor changes over time.

The platform allows users to see a fully quantified anatomical map of their body, track biomarkers, and assess health risks with the assistance of AI. The AI-generated risk summary is designed to enhance physicians’ capabilities by summarizing key health metrics and identifying potential issues for further review.

Benefits of Whole Body MRI Scans

One of the unique features of Q Bio’s platform is the use of whole body MRI scans. These scans provide detailed and quantifiable insights into a person’s health, enabling early detection of potential health issues. The scans are integrated with other health data to create a comprehensive view of an individual’s health, which can be tracked over time to observe changes and manage risks effectively.

Future Plans for Scalable Healthcare Solutions

Q Bio aims to make their advanced healthcare technology accessible on a population scale. While currently serving the high-end market, their ultimate goal is to impact population health. They are working on a hardware solution, the Mark 1 scanner, which will offer a 10-minute whole body scan, making the technology more affordable and accessible. This scanner is expected to receive FDA approval by the end of 2025 or early 2026, furthering Q Bio’s mission to provide scalable, preventive healthcare solutions.


Q Bio, under the leadership of Clarissa Shen, is at the cutting edge of preventive healthcare technology. Their innovative use of data, AI, and MRI technology is paving the way for a new era in healthcare where early detection and proactive management are the norms. To learn more about Q Bio and their revolutionary approach to healthcare, watch the full video of the podcast episode. Thank you for joining us, and stay tuned for more insights from leading healthcare innovators.

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