#453 – Michael Eaton, CSO at Navvis & Dr. Frank Osborn, CMO at Tufts Medicine

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Value Based Care - Episode Details

Join us on the latest episode, hosted by Jared S. Taylor! Our Guests: Michael Eaton, CSO at Navvis & Dr. Frank Osborn, CMO at Tufts Medicine.

What you’ll get out of this episode:

  • Dr. Frank Osborn and Mike Eaton discuss the importance of value-based care in today’s healthcare landscape.
  • Tufts Medicine Integrated Network and Navvis collaborate to enhance patient care and physician engagement.
  • The partnership aims to deliver right care at the right time, reducing hospitalizations and improving patient experiences.
  • Emphasis on creating a supportive environment for primary care physicians to combat burnout and attract new talent.



Read About Value Based Care


In the latest episode of the Slice of Healthcare podcast, host Jared Taylor welcomes Dr. Frank Osborn, Chief Medical Officer at Tufts Medicine Integrated Network, and Mike Eaton, Chief Strategy Officer at Navvis. The conversation delves into the evolving landscape of value-based care and how their partnership is driving significant improvements in healthcare delivery.

The Journey to Value-Based Care

Dr. Frank Osborn opens the discussion by sharing his extensive experience in healthcare, spanning over 25 years. As the CMO for Tufts Medicine Integrated Network, he has witnessed the evolution of healthcare and the pressing need for value-based care models. These models focus on improving patient outcomes while reducing costs.

A Strategic Partnership

Mike Eaton, who serves as Navvis’ Healthcare Market President, outlines his background in health systems and physician enterprise development. He highlights the strategic partnership between Navvis and Tufts Medicine, emphasizing their shared vision of transforming healthcare. This collaboration is not just about performing well but about fundamentally changing how care is delivered.

Implementing Value-Based Care

Dr. Osborn and Mike Eaton describe how their partnership aims to deliver the right care at the right time and place. They emphasize the importance of a seamless care experience for patients, which includes minimizing hospitalizations and ensuring that care is accessible and affordable. By focusing on population health management, they strive to keep healthy individuals well and manage chronic diseases effectively.

Overcoming Challenges

The discussion touches on the challenges faced in transitioning to value-based care. Dr. Osborn notes the initial hurdles in consolidating physician networks and the need for a cultural fit with partners. Navvis emerged as the ideal partner due to their shared commitment to physician-led care and patient-centered approaches.

Future Goals and Success Metrics

Looking ahead, Dr. Osborn and Mike Eaton discuss the metrics that will define the success of their partnership. These include reducing emergency department visits, avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations, and improving overall patient and clinician experiences. They also highlight the importance of supporting primary care physicians to address burnout and attract new talent to the field.


The conversation concludes with a shared vision for the future of healthcare. Dr. Osborn and Mike Eaton express their commitment to making healthcare more efficient, equitable, and patient-focused. By leveraging their partnership, they aim to create a healthcare environment where both patients and physicians thrive.

Stay tuned for more updates on their progress and the impact of their innovative approach to value-based care.

Finally, to learn more about our guest and their company please use the links below:

Navvis WebsiteTufts Website

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