#451 – Solome Tibebu, Founder and CEO at Behavioral Health Tech

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Behavioral Health Technology - Episode Details

Join us on the latest episode, hosted by Jared S. Taylor! Our Guest: Solome Tibebu, Founder and CEO at Behavioral Health Tech.

What you’ll get out of this episode:
  • Solome Tibebu’s personal journey with anxiety and OCD.
  • Founding Behavioral Health Tech to expand access to mental health services.
  • Challenges and successes in organizing virtual and in-person conferences.
  • The importance of innovative payment models for behavioral health solutions.
  • The role of community-based organizations in the future of behavioral health.



Read About Behavioral Health Technology


In this episode of the Slice of Healthcare podcast, Jared Taylor interviews Solome Tibebu, the dynamic founder of Behavioral Health Tech. Solome shares her inspiring journey from a teenager struggling with severe anxiety and OCD to becoming a leading advocate for mental health innovation and technology.

Solome Tibebu’s Personal Journey

Solome Tibebu opens up about her early experiences with mental health challenges. Growing up in Minnesota with parents from Ethiopia and Poland, mental health was not a common topic of discussion. Her struggles with severe anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) led her to create AnxietyInTeens.com at the age of 16, providing a much-needed resource for other teens facing similar issues. This early venture ignited her passion for mental health advocacy and community building.

Founding Behavioral Health Tech

During the pandemic, Solome identified a critical gap in the mental health industry—the need for virtual behavioral health conferences. This realization led her to launch Behavioral Health Tech, a community dedicated to expanding access to mental health, substance use care, and intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) services through technology, health equity, and innovation. Behavioral Health Tech quickly grew into a pivotal platform, connecting various stakeholders in the mental health field.

Challenges and Successes in Organizing Conferences

Solome discusses the challenges of organizing both virtual and in-person events. The transition from virtual events during the pandemic to the first in-person conference posed numerous challenges, from venue selection to logistics. Despite these hurdles, the conferences have been a resounding success, fostering meaningful connections and collaborations among attendees. Solome highlights the satisfaction of seeing attendees form partnerships, find co-founders, and secure investments as a result of these events.

Innovative Payment Models for Behavioral Health

A significant discussion point in the episode is the importance of innovative payment models to support scalable behavioral health solutions. Solome emphasizes that while there are many novel and effective mental health technologies, their success largely depends on the availability of appropriate payment methods. She advocates for collaboration between startups and forward-thinking payers to develop and implement innovative payment solutions that can make these technologies accessible to those in need.

The Role of Community-Based Organizations

Solome is particularly excited about expanding the involvement of community-based organizations in the Behavioral Health Tech community. These local providers, who have historically been left out of the technology evolution in behavioral health, are crucial for effective and trusted patient care. By bridging the gap between these organizations and the digital health startup world, Behavioral Health Tech aims to enhance access to innovative mental health solutions at the community level.


Solome Tibebu’s energy and passion for mental health innovation are truly inspiring. Her work with Behavioral Health Tech is not only transforming the industry but also creating opportunities for collaboration and growth among various stakeholders. This episode offers valuable insights into the current state of behavioral health and the future directions that hold promise for more effective and accessible mental health care.

Finally, to learn more about our guest and their company please use the links below:

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