#38 – Peter Shen, Head of Digital & Automation North America at Siemens Healthineers

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Episode Details: AI in Healthcare

Join us this week as Meena Mallipeddi welcome’s guest Peter Shen, Head of Digital & Automation North America at Siemens Healthineers.

What you’ll get from this episode:
  • Introduction of Peter Shen, Head of Digital Health and Automation at Siemens Healthineers.
  • The current impact of AI in healthcare, including imaging and radiology advancements.
  • How AI can address low-hanging fruit in healthcare for efficiency and cost reduction.
  • The potential of digital twins to optimize patient care and preventative measures.
  • Efforts to make AI accessible to rural and underserved populations.
  • The balance between innovation and regulation in AI development.



Read about AI In Healthcare


In a recent episode of the Seamless Connection Podcast, host Meena Mallipeddi sat down with Peter Shen, Head of Digital Health and Automation at Siemens Healthineers, to discuss the transformative potential of AI in healthcare. With over 25 years at Siemens, Shen brings a wealth of experience and insights into how emerging technologies are reshaping the healthcare landscape.

The Journey into Healthcare

Peter Shen’s journey into healthcare was influenced by his parents—his father an engineer and his mother a medical technologist. This early exposure to science and technology led him to study biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins University. His career at Siemens began in the imaging and radiology sector, where he witnessed the transition from analog to digital technology, setting the stage for his ongoing focus on digital health and automation.

AI’s Current Impact in Healthcare

AI is already making significant inroads in healthcare. Shen highlights how machine learning models are integrated into current healthcare processes, from recognizing anatomical structures in imaging to assisting in the early detection of diseases such as cancer. For example, AI algorithms can help identify lung nodules or heart blockages during chest CT exams, aiding in quicker and more accurate diagnosis.

Addressing Low-Hanging Fruit with AI

Generative AI and large language models have garnered significant attention, but Shen emphasizes the existing applications of AI that are streamlining healthcare operations. AI is reducing the time needed to develop radiation treatment plans for cancer patients and improving diagnostic accuracy, which in turn reduces costs and enhances patient care.

The Potential of Digital Twins

One of the most exciting developments Shen discusses is the concept of digital twins—virtual replicas of patient anatomy created using AI. By combining various clinical data, digital twins can simulate and test different treatment options, allowing for personalized and optimized care. This technology also holds promise for preventative healthcare, offering insights into how lifestyle changes might impact an individual’s health.

Making AI Accessible to All

Shen underscores the importance of making AI technology accessible beyond major metropolitan areas. Siemens Healthineers is advocating for consistent reimbursement policies to encourage wider adoption of AI tools, particularly in rural and underserved regions. This approach aims to level the playing field, ensuring that all patients can benefit from the advancements in AI.

Balancing Innovation and Regulation

While the potential of AI in healthcare is vast, Shen acknowledges the need for balanced regulation to foster innovation without stifling it. Policies must ensure patient safety and data privacy while allowing continuous improvement and deployment of AI technologies.

The Future of AI in Healthcare

Looking ahead, Shen envisions AI becoming an integral part of daily healthcare, much like smartphones are today. He foresees digital twins and other AI technologies empowering individuals to take proactive control of their health, driving a new era of personalized and preventative care.


Peter Shen’s insights provide a compelling glimpse into the future of healthcare, where AI not only enhances clinical decision-making but also makes advanced healthcare accessible to all. As Siemens Healthineers continues to innovate, the healthcare industry can look forward to transformative changes that promise to improve patient outcomes and operational efficiencies.

This episode is presented by AmplifyMD.

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