#36 – Dr. Gretchen Nickell, CMO at East Liverpool Hospital & Lorie Herrman, CNO at St Joseph Medical Center

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Episode Details: Innovative Leadership In Healthcare

Join us this week as Meena Mallipeddi welcome’s guests Dr. Gretchen Nickell, CMO at East Liverpool City Hospital & Lorie Herrman, CNO at St Joseph Medical Center.

What you’ll get from this episode:
  • Dr. Gretchen Nickell and Lorie Herrman discuss their career paths and roles in healthcare leadership.
  • The importance of virtual care in rural and urban hospital settings.
  • Challenges and solutions in providing specialty care in underserved areas.
  • Future outlook on healthcare staffing and new models of care.



Read about Innovative Leadership In Healthcare


In this episode of the Seamless Connection podcast, we delve into the experiences and insights of Dr. Gretchen Nickell, Chief Medical Officer at East Liverpool Hospital, and Lorie Herrman, Chief Nursing Officer at St. Joseph’s in Missouri. Hosted by Meena Mallipeddi from AmplifyMD, the conversation explores their unique career journeys, the challenges they face in their respective communities, and their innovative approaches to healthcare leadership.

Career Pathways to Leadership

Both Dr. Nickell and Lorie Herrman followed distinct paths to their leadership roles. Dr. Nickell always aspired to be a physician, staying local for her education and eventually becoming a hospitalist. Her journey led her to East Liverpool Hospital, where she helped establish a hospitalist program and later became the Chief Medical Officer. Lorie Herrman entered nursing as a non-traditional student, bringing prior leadership experience from other fields. Her passion for patient advocacy and team development naturally led her to nursing leadership roles, including her current position as Chief Nursing Officer at St. Joseph’s.

Addressing Community Challenges

Dr. Nickell and Lorie Herrman serve communities with unique needs. East Liverpool is a rural, underserved area with limited access to specialty care. Dr. Nickell highlights the importance of seamless transitions of care and strong communication between inpatient and outpatient providers. Lorie Herrman, serving a more urban population in Kansas City, emphasizes the challenges of gaps in care and the necessity of telemedicine to bridge these gaps, especially for psychiatric and infectious disease patients.

The Role of Virtual Care

Virtual care has been a game-changer for both hospitals. Dr. Nickell notes that their patients appreciate the ability to stay local and receive high-quality care through telemedicine. The continuity of care provided by virtual consultations, especially in specialties like infectious disease and critical care, has significantly improved patient outcomes. Herrman shares similar successes, particularly in mental health and infectious disease, where telemedicine has allowed for timely and effective treatment that was previously challenging due to resource constraints.

Financial Realities and Innovations

Managing budgets and financial constraints while maintaining high-quality care is a significant challenge. Both leaders emphasize the importance of efficient resource management and multidisciplinary teamwork. Dr. Nickell and Herrman discuss strategies like daily multidisciplinary meetings and proper documentation to ensure optimal patient care and financial viability.

Future Directions in Healthcare

Looking ahead, Dr. Nickell is hopeful about the post-COVID era, anticipating improvements in healthcare staffing and increased enrollment in nursing schools. Herrman is excited about new models of care that emphasize team-based approaches and the expanded role of LPNs. Both leaders are committed to continuing innovation in healthcare delivery to meet the evolving needs of their communities.


Dr. Gretchen Nickell and Lorie Herrman exemplify innovative leadership in healthcare. Their dedication to improving patient care through virtual care, efficient resource management, and new care models sets a benchmark for hospital leadership. As they navigate the challenges and opportunities in their respective roles, their insights provide valuable lessons for healthcare professionals and administrators alike.

This episode is presented by AmplifyMD.

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