#3 – Vasanta Pundarika, Co-Founder & Managing Director of Healthcare Group at Matrix Capital Markets Group Inc.

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Women's Healthcare Innovation: Episode Details

Join us on the latest episode of Living Connected, hosted by Arti Masturzo! Today’s Guest: Vasanta Pundarika, Co-Founder & Managing Director of Healthcare Group at Matrix Capital Markets Group Inc.

What you’ll get out of this episode:
  • Vasanta Pundarika’s journey from healthcare investment banking to women’s health advocacy.
  • Challenges female founders face in securing venture capital funding.
  • The importance of investing in women’s health as a lucrative business opportunity.
  • Addressing gaps in women’s healthcare, including heart health and menopause.
  • The role of financial support in advancing healthcare innovation.



Read About Women's Healthcare Innovation


In the latest episode of Living Connected, host Arti Masturzo interviews Vasanta Pundarika, a dynamic force in healthcare investment and co-founder of Matrix Capital Markets. Vasanta shares her inspiring journey and her mission to bridge significant gaps in women’s healthcare. This conversation highlights the importance of financial support and strategic investment in driving healthcare innovation.

Meeting by Chance, Connecting by Choice

Arti opens the episode recounting her serendipitous meeting with Vasanta at a women’s healthcare executive conference in Las Vegas. Initially skeptical about starting a podcast, Arti emphasizes the importance of sharing conversations with fascinating people like Vasanta, who are making a difference in healthcare.

From Finance to Women’s Health Advocacy

Vasanta reflects on her 18-year career in healthcare investment banking, driven by a desire to blend her interests in finance and healthcare. She highlights the crucial role of investment banking in supporting large hospital systems and founder-owned healthcare businesses. Despite her success, Vasanta felt a growing pull towards addressing women’s health disparities, prompting her to shift her focus.

The Investment Challenge for Female Founders

A significant portion of the conversation centers on the difficulties female founders face in securing venture capital. Vasanta shares staggering statistics: women founders receive only 2% of venture capital funding and must meet with investors three times as often as their male counterparts. This inefficiency not only wastes valuable time but also demoralizes many promising female entrepreneurs.

A Trillion-Dollar Opportunity in Women’s Health

Vasanta emphasizes the massive business potential in women’s healthcare. McKinsey estimates it to be a trillion-dollar opportunity. Vasanta argues that investments in women’s health should be viewed not just as a social good but as a smart financial move. Investing in women’s health companies can yield significant returns while addressing critical healthcare needs.

Bridging the Healthcare Gap

Discussing her new venture, Vasanta outlines her vision to support women’s health founders by providing the necessary financial resources and strategic advice. She identifies several critical gaps in women’s healthcare, such as heart disease and perimenopause, which are often overlooked. By investing in these areas, Vasanta aims to create sustainable healthcare solutions that benefit women across all stages of life.

The Role of Awareness and Advertising

Vasanta also touches on the challenges of raising awareness and effectively advertising women’s health services. She points out that many healthcare companies struggle with advertising restrictions due to algorithm biases. Changing these barriers is essential for promoting women’s health businesses and reaching a broader audience.

Looking Ahead

As Vasanta prepares to embark on a two-week break in Europe before diving into her new venture, she expresses her excitement and readiness to tackle the challenges ahead. Her passion for women’s health and her strategic vision promise to bring significant changes to the industry.


This episode of Living Connected offers a powerful narrative about the importance of investing in women’s health. Vasanta Pundarika’s journey from healthcare investment banking to women’s health advocacy is not only inspiring but also highlights the critical need for strategic investments in this sector. By supporting female founders and addressing healthcare disparities, Vasanta aims to make a lasting impact on women’s health.

Finally, to learn more about our guest and their company please use the links below:

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