#21 – Dentistry on Demand with The Geriatric Toothfairy (Sonya Dunbar)

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Episode Details

Joining as today’s guest is Sonya Dunbar, Co-Host of Dentistry Gone Wild Podcast & Co-Founder of the National Mobile & TeleDentistry Conference.

In this episode, we discussed: 

  • Dunbar’s background in the dental industry
  • How The Geriatric Toothfairy came about 
  • Dunbar’s #NoFilter take on one thing in the dental industry that no one agrees with her on
  • How mobile dentistry is an extension of brick-and-mortar dentist offices. 

& more!



To learn more about Sonya & The Geriatric Toothfairy please use the links below:

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This podcast is produced by Slice of Healthcare LLC.

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