#2 – Dr. Samuel Hammerman, Executive VP & CMO at Select Medical

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Physician Burnout Solutions: Episode Details

Join us on the very first episode our new show Living Connected, hosted by Arti Masturzo! Today’s Guest: Dr. Samuel Hammerman, Executive VP & CMO at Select Medical.

What you’ll get out of this episode:
  • Meet Dr. Samuel “Buddy” Hammerman: Dr. Buddy Hammerman, Chief Medical Officer at Select Medical, discusses his career and passion for healthcare.
  • Addressing Physician Burnout: Dr. Hammerman shares his strategies for combating physician burnout and promoting physician joy.
  • Importance of Connection: Insights on the value of connecting with colleagues, patients, and maintaining work-life balance.
  • Personal Reflections: Dr. Hammerman talks about his journey, role models, and the importance of staying connected to one’s purpose.



Read About Physician Burnout Solutions


Welcome to the Living Connected podcast, hosted by Arti Masturzo. This podcast was born from Arti’s desire to share the unique perspectives of interesting individuals she has met in the healthcare field. Living Connected is a space to explore stories that inspire and inform, particularly emphasizing the importance of human connection in healthcare. Arti’s own experience as a physician and her journey through cancer have shown her the critical need for connectivity, which inspired the podcast’s name and mission.

Meet Dr. Samuel “Buddy” Hammerman

In this episode, Arti introduces a close friend and respected colleague, Dr. Samuel “Buddy” Hammerman. Known affectionately as Buddy, Dr. Hammerman serves as the Chief Medical Officer at Select Medical and continues to practice in the ICU. Despite his extensive corporate responsibilities, Buddy remains deeply committed to patient care. Arti expresses her admiration for Buddy’s dedication and resilience, especially in the challenging ICU environment.

Addressing Physician Burnout

The central theme of this episode is physician burnout, a topic close to both Arti and Buddy’s hearts. Buddy shares his insights into the root causes of burnout, such as loss of autonomy and overwhelming workloads. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing these challenges and finding ways to reconnect with the joy of practicing medicine. For Buddy, the key lies in balancing work with personal passions and ensuring supportive relationships both inside and outside the hospital.

The Importance of Connection

Buddy highlights the crucial role of connections in healthcare. He believes that strong relationships with colleagues, from fellow doctors to nurses and support staff, are vital for maintaining a positive work environment. These bonds not only enhance professional satisfaction but also improve patient outcomes. Buddy recounts how collaborative efforts during critical medical situations create lasting bonds among healthcare professionals, reinforcing the idea that connection is integral to the medical profession.

Personal Reflections and Advice

Reflecting on his career, Buddy credits his mentors and family, particularly his wife, for their unwavering support. He advises physicians experiencing burnout to seek balance in their lives by engaging in activities they enjoy, maintaining physical and mental health, and building strong support systems. Buddy also underscores the significance of mentorship and journaling as tools for personal growth and professional resilience.


In conclusion, Dr. Buddy Hammerman’s conversation with Arti Masturzo on the Living Connected podcast offers valuable insights into combating physician burnout and rediscovering joy in healthcare. His emphasis on connection, balance, and purpose serves as a powerful reminder of why many chose this demanding yet rewarding profession. Tune in to hear more inspiring stories and practical advice on Living Connected.

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