#18 – Matt McBride, CEO and Co-Founder at Mend

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Episode Details

Hosted by: Sam Lippolis

In this episode, our guest is Matt McBride, the CEO and co-founder of Mend, a simple, secure, integrated telehealth and patient engagement solution for the modern practice. An experienced entrepreneur, he co-founded Mend in 2015 with three best friends to revolutionize healthcare delivery. At Mend, Matt is focused on using the power of telemedicine, A.I. reminders, digital forms and more to make it easier for patients and providers to communicate.

We’ll be discussing:

  • Hybrid care
  • How we can move process to patients’s homes and have all the tools we need like digital forms, access to to e-signatures, and payment processes
  • Nudging patients and the power of a phone call
  • Improving the digital waiting room experience

Be sure to grab information about Mend at https://mend.com/

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This podcast is produced by Slice of Healthcare LLC.

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