#1: What Customer Behavior Says About the Future of Digital Health

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What you’ll get out of this episode

Healthcare Innovation attorneys Carrie Nixon and Rebecca Gwilt open up this conversation with the question people keep asking: Where is the Digital Health Investment Ceiling? Then they dig deep into what’s just under the surface of that question—and far more important to the growth of your healthcare business:

  • The convergence of events driving continued innovation in this space, including FemTech
  • 3 ways customer overwhelm is driving market change 
  • How to approach your customers for feedback so you don’t build something they won’t buy or use


“[In 2014] He assured me that we were in a health tech bubble, you couldn’t possibly put more money into it, and he was ready to stop investing. Now I look back and think, yikes.” — Rebecca Gwilt on the digital health investment ceiling


“One medical practice administrator told me she has 14 different portals that she has to log into to do the business of the practice.” — Carrie Nixon on customer overwhelm in digital health


“We need a platform that can deliver customized, specialized services to a specific population, and so you’re seeing some very pointed acquisitions.” — Rebecca Gwilt on platform consolidation in digital health


Read Rolfe Winkler’s report on customer overwhelm in the WSJ: https://www.wsj.com/articles/digital-health-startups-are-booming-their-customers-are-overwhelmed-11620039601 (paywall, but site allows 3 free articles per month)

A recent video chat we had about what we’re seeing in healthcare innovation: https://nixongwiltlaw.com/nlg-blog/2021/4/15/video-how-we-think-about-healthcare-innovation-and-what-were-seeing-in-the-market-right-now 

Details on the Ro acquisition of Modern Fertility and the gender gap in health tech: https://www.statnews.com/2021/05/25/ro-modern-fertility-womens-health-tech/ 

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About Your Hosts

Carrie Nixon and Rebecca Gwilt are partners at Nixon Gwilt Law, a healthcare innovation law firm exclusively serving Providers, Digital Health Companies, and Life Science Businesses seeking to transform the way we receive and experience healthcare. Find out more at NixonGwiltLaw.com. 

This podcast is produced by Slice of Healthcare LLC.

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